Many applicants spend lots of time on deciding which direction they are going in. For these applicants, here is succeeded package in getting a job which is a working support system of ministry of employment and labor.
This working support system provide applicants phased program according to the individual plan of getting a job. Furthermore, expense for training is provided for program periods. The program is ready for both low-income bracket and younger generation.
First step is employment consultation. In this step, you register employment and get a vocational test. Then, you get early sessions in counseling and group counseling program. The person who set up a plan, ministry of employment and labor support about 200,000 won.
Second step is vocational training. In this step, you can get an opportunity of having internship in small businesses, and get vocational training. Also, it gives you assistance to business starters. According to vocational training, support fund can be different from two million won to three million won a month for six months.
Last step is job placement service. In this step, job placement service is offered for three months and companion interview would be accepted.
You can request this program in the way of a personal visit to employment security center or receipt by mail with entry form and documentary evidences. Call the employment security center or visit homepage for further details.